Fun Info About How To Learn Enchanting Wow

Just click on any of the links to see the trainer's exact location.
How to learn enchanting wow. 48.4, 25.9) oribos is the new shadowlands city hub for both factions. Go to outland and find johan barnes (alliance) in hellfire peninsula at honor hold, or felannia (horde) in hellfire peninsula at thrallmar. Use lesser eternal essence to add greater intellect to a pair of bracers.
Use dream dust to enchant a shield with. Learn where to train enchanting, what reputations you'll need to advance, and how disenchant changes will affect you. Prospective enchanters must be at least level 5.
You can learn shadowlands enchanting from imbuer au'vresh in oribos in the hall of shapes. You can learn enchanting from any enchanting trainer, who you can find in most capital cities (usually that of your race, such as orgrimmar for orcs or ironforge for dwarves. Enchanting is taught by various enchanting trainers located throughout the world.
You can then learn grand master enchanting from a trainer and. (there are also trainers in shattrat city). You must have a shadowlands enchanting skill of at least 25 for these to show up.
The first thing you need to do is make sure your enchanting skill is at level 300 to start outlands enchanting. Each of the four covenant zones has its own enchanting world quests. You can also walk up to a guard in any major city.
Enchanting trainers you can learn enchanting from any of these npcs below. Initial training costs 10, granting the apprentice level with a. Use dream dust to add greater stamina to a pair of boots.